SPM Form 4 Biology – Exercise

01 Cell Structure 

  1. Cell Structure and Function 1 (6 Questions) 
  2. Cell Structure and Function 2 (5 Questions) 
  3. Cell Organisation 1 (5 Questions) 
  4. Cell Organisation 2 (5 Questions) 
  5. Cell Organisation 3 (3 Questions) 

02 Movement across Plasma Membrane 

  1. Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane 1 (5 Questions) 
  2. Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane 2 (5 Questions) 
  3. Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane 3 (5 Questions) 
  4. Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane in Everyday Life (5 Questions) 

03 Chemical Composition of Cell Chemical 

  1. Composition of the Cell (3 Questions) 
  2. Carbohydrate (6 Questions) 
  3. Proteins (5 Questions) 
  4. Lipids (3 Questions) 
  5. Enzymes 1 (4 Questions) 
  6. Enzymes 2 (4 Questions) 

04 Meiosis and Mitosis 

  1. Mitosis 1 (6 Questions) 
  2. Mitosis 2 – (6 Questions) 
  3. Meiosis 1 – (6 Questions) 
  4. Meiosis 2 – (7 Questions) 

05 Nutrition 

  1. Balanced Diet (6 Questions) 
  2. Malnutrition (3 Questions) 
  3. Food Digestion (7 Questions) 
  4. Absorption and Assimilation of Digested Food (4 Questions) 

06 Respiration 

  1. The Respiratory Process in Energy Production (4 Questions) 
  2. Respiratory Mechanisms in Humans and Animals (7 Questions) 
  3. Gaseous Exchange in Humans (4 Questions) 
  4. The Regulatory Mechanism in Respiration (4 Questions) 
  5. Respiration in Plants (4 Questions) 

07 Dynamic Ecosystem 

  1. The Abiotic and Biotic Components of the Environment (7 Questions) 
  2. The Process of Colonisation and Sucession in an Ecosystem (3 Questions) 
  3. Population Ecology (3 Questions) 
  4. Biodiversity (3 Questions) 
  5. The Impact of Microorganisms on Life (6 Questions) 

08 Endangered Ecosystem 

  1. Human Activities that Endanger the Ecosystem (7 Questions) 
  2. The Greenhouse Effect and Thinning of the Ozone Layer (6 Questions) 
  3. Proper Management of Development Activities and the Ecosystem (3 Questions)