SPM Form 5 Biology – Exercises

01 Transport 

  1. The Circulatory System (7 Questions) 
  2. The Mechanism of Blood Clotting (3 Questions) 
  3. The Lymphatic System (4 Questions) 
  4. The Role of Circulatory System in Body Defense Mechanism (4 Questions) 

02 Support and Locomotion 

  1. Support and Locomotion in Humans and Animals 1 (6 Questions) 
  2. Support and Locomotion in Humans and Animals 2 (6 Questions) 
  3. Support System in Plants (4 Questions) 

03 Coordination and Response 

  1. The Role of the Human Nervous System 1 (6 Questions) 
  2. The Role of the Human Nervous System 2 (6 Questions) 
  3. The Role of Hormones in Humans (7 Questions) 
  4. Homeostasis in Humans (7 Questions) 

04 Reproduction and Growth 

  1. Formation of Gamete (5 Questions) 
  2. Roles of Hormones in the Menstrual Cycle (5 Questions) 

05 Inheritance (10 Questions) 

06 Variation (9 Questions)