3.5.1 Archimedes Principle

  1. Archimedes Principle states that when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid it experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
  2. Upthrust/Buoyant force is an upward force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in it.
  3. Mathematically, we write
     F = Upthrust/Buoyant Force
     ρ = Density of the liquid
     V = Volume of the displaced liquid
     g = Gravitational field strength

Example 1:
Determine the upthrust acted on the objects immerse in the water below.



a. Upthrust = Weight of the displaced water = 15N

b. Upthrust = Weight of the displaced water = 32N

c. Upthrust = Weight of the displaced water = 20N

Example 2:
An iron block which has volume 0.3m³ is immersed in water. Find the upthrust exerted on the block by the water. [Density of water = 1000 kg/m³]


Density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m³
Volume of water, V = 0.3 m³
Gravitational Field Strength, g = 10 N/kg
Upthrust, F = ?

Example 3:

Figure above shows an empty boat floating at rest on water. Given that the mass of the boat is 150kg. Find
  1. the upthrust acting on the boat.
  2. The mass of the water displaced by the boat.
  3. The maximum mass that the boat can load safely if the volume of the boat at the safety level is 3.0 m³.

a. According to the principle of flotation, the upthrust is equal to the weight of the boat.

F = Weight of the boat
= mg = (150)(10) = 1500N

b. According to the Archimedes' Principle, the weight of the water displaced = Upthrust

Weight of the displaced water,
W = mg
(1500) = m(10)
m = 150kg

Maximum weight can be sustained by the boat

Maximum weight of the load
= Maximum weight sustained - Weight of the boat
= 30,000 – 1,500 = 28,500N

Maximum mass of the load
= 28500/10 = 2850 kg

Example 4:

In figure above, a cylinder is immersed in water. If the height of the cylinder is 20cm, the density of the cylinder is 1200kg/m³ and the density of the liquid is 1000 kg/m³, find:
a. The weight of the object
b. The buoyant force

Volume of the cylinder, V  = 50 x 20 = 1000cm³ = 0.001m³
Density of the cylinder, ρ = 1200 kg/m³
Gravitational Field Strength, g = 10 N/kg
Weight of the cylinder, W = ?

Volume of the displaced water = 50 x 12 = 600cm³ = 0.0006m³
Density of the water, ρ = 1000 kg/m³
Upthrust, F = ?

Example 5
The density and mass of a metal block are 5.0×103 kg m-3 and 4.0kg respectively. Find the upthrust that act on the metal block when it is fully immerse in water.
[ Density of water = 1000 kgm-3 ]

In order to find the upthrust, we need to find the volume of the water displaced. Since the block is fully immersed in water, hence the volume of the water displaced = volume of the block.

Volume of the block,

Upthrust acted on the block,