6.2.4 Diffraction of Waves

  1. Diffraction is the spreading of a wave when it travels through an opening or a small obstacle.

  2. (Diffraction happen when waves pass through an opening)

    (Diffraction happen when waves encounter an obstacle)

  3. Characteristics of Diffracted Wave
    1. Wavelength does not change.
    2. Frequency does not change.
    3. Speed of diffracted does not change.
    4. The amplitude of the wave decreases after diffraction.

Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Diffraction

The magnitude of diffraction (or angle of diffraction) depends on
  1. The wavelength
  2. The size of the opening
Experiment 1
Shorter wavelength - The wave spreads to a smaller area

Longer wavelength - The wave spreads to a wider area

Diffraction is affected by the wavelength. The longer the wavelength, the greater the effect of diffraction

Experiment 2

Bigger opening - The wave spreads to a smaller area

Smaller opening - The wave spreads to a wider area

Diffraction is affected by the size of the opening. The smaller the size of the opening, the greater the effect of diffraction