6.4.1 Electromagnetic Waves

  1. Electromagnetic waves come from a whole variety of sources. They differ greatly in their wavelengths and in their effects, but they have certain fundamental properties in common.
  2. The common properties of electromagnetic waves are as below:
    1. They are transverse waves:
      1. Electromagnetic waves are transverse wave.
      2. The moving wave effect is produced by oscillating electric and magnetic fields oscillate at right angles to the direction of travel and at right angles to each other
    2. They can travel in Vacuum:
      Electromagnetic wave can travel in vacuum

    3. They travel with the same speed in vacuum:
      1. In vacuum, all the electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed commonly known as the speed of light (3 × 108m/s).
      2. In other medium, different electromagnetic wave may travel at different speed.
    4. They can be polarised:
      1. A transverse wave can be polarized.
      2. Plane polarized light will be produced when light travels through a polarizing material like polaroid.
      3. Polaroid is a type of material that only allows light waves of one plane to pass through.
    5. They are neutral:
      Electromagnetic waves are electrically neutral.