7.4.1 Electromotive Force

  1. In a circuit, electromotive force is the energy per unit charge converted from the other forms of energy into electrical energy to move the charge across the whole circuit.
    In equation,

  2. where
    E = e.m.f.,
    W = energy converted from non-electrical forms to electrical form
    Q = positive charge.
  1. The unit of e.m.f. is JC-1 or V (Volt)
  2. The unit of e.m.f. is JC-1 or V (Volt). Electromotive force of 1 Volt means that 1 Joule of electrical energy is supplied to the circuit to move 1 Coulomd of charge across the whole circuit.

Electromotive Force
Potential Difference
Have same unit (Volt)
Can be measured by Voltmeter
The electromotive force (e.m.f.) is defined as the energy per unit charge that is converted from chemical, mechanical, or other forms of energy into electrical energy in a battery or dynamo.
The potential difference (p.d.) between two points is defined as the energy converted from electrical to other forms when one coulomb of positive charge passes between the two points.
Denote by the symbol, E.
Denote by the symbol, V

Example 1
When a 1Ω resistor is connected to the terminal of a cell, the current that flow through it is 8A. When the resistor is replaced by another resistor with resistance 4Ω, the current becomes 2⅔A. Find the
a. internal resistance of the cell
b. e.m.f. of the cell

Experiment 1
R1 = 1Ω
I1 = 8A

Experiment 2
R2 = 4Ω
I2 = 2⅔A

Solve the simultaneous equation
E = 12V, r = 0.5Ω

Example 2
The diagram on the left shows that the terminal potential difference of a batteries is 1.2V when a 4 Ω resistor is connected to it. The terminal potential become 1.45V when the resistor is replaced by another resistor of resistance 29Ω
Find the
a. internal resistance, r
b. e.m.f. of the batteries.
Experiment 1

V1 = 1.2V
R1 = 4Ω

I = V/R
I = (1.2)/(4)
I = 0.3A

E = V + Ir
E = (1.2) + (0.3)r
E - 0.3r = 1.2 ------------(eq1)

Experiment 2
V2 = 1.45V
R2 = 29

I = V/R
I = (1.45)/(29)
I = 0.05A

E = V + Ir
E = (1.5) + (0.05)r
E - 0.05r = 1.45 -----------------(eq2)

Solve the simultaneous equation eq1 and eq2

E = 1.5V, r = 1Ω

The Linear Graph

From the equation,

E = V + Ir
V = -rI + E

Y axis = Potential difference (V)
X axis = Current (I)
Gradient od the grapf, m = - internal resistance (r)
Y intercept of the graph, c = e.m.f.


The graph shows the variation of potential difference with current of a battery.
What is the internal resistance and e.m.f. of the battery?

e.m.f. = y-intercept = 3V

internal resistance,
r = -gradient of the graph
r = - (-3)/(6) = 0.5Ω