1.3 SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 14:
The area of a rectangular public parking area is 7.2 km2 . Its width is 2400 m. The length, in m, of the parking area is

Area = Length × Width Length × 2.400 km = 7.2 k m 2 Length= 7.2 2.4            =3 km            =3000 m            =3× 10 3  m

Question 15:
It is given that 30 solid metal cylinders each with a radius of 70 cm and a height of 300 cm, are melted to make 40 identical solid spheres.
Find the volume, in cm3 , of each solid sphere.

Volume of 40 spheres = Volume of 30 cylinders =30× 22 7 × 70 2 ×300 =138 600 000  cm 3 Volume of 1 sphere = 138 600 000 40 =3 465 000  cm 3 =3.465× 10 6  cm 3 =3.47× 10 6  cm 3