Short Question 1 – 3

Question 1
A group of 4 men and 3 ladies are to be seated in a row for a photographing session. If the men and ladies want to be seated alternately (man-lady-man-lady...), calculate the number of different arrangements.

The arrangements of 4 men and 3 ladies to be seated alternately are as follow:

M    L    M        M    L    M

The number of ways to arrange the seat for 4 men = 4!

The number of ways to arrange the seat for 3 ladies = 3!

Total number of different arrangements for men and ladies = 4! × 3! = 144

Question 2:
Ahmad has 6 durians, 5 watermelons and 2 papayas. If he wants to arrange these fruits in a row and the fruits of the same kind have to be grouped together, calculate the number of different arrangements. The sizes of the fruits are different.

The number of ways to arrange 3 groups of fruits that are same kind = 3!

DDDDDD      WWWWW      PP  

The number of ways to arrange 6 durians = 6!
The number of ways to arrange 5 watermelons = 5!
The number of ways to arrange 2 papayas = 2!

Therefore, the number of ways to arrange the fruits with same kind of fruits was grouped together
= 3! × 6! × 5! × 2!
= 1036800

Question 3:
Calculate the number of arrangements, without repetitions, of the letters from the word `SOMETHING' with the condition that they must begin with a vowel.

Arrangement of letters begin with vowel  O, M and I =   3 P 1 Arrangement for the rest of the letters 7! Number of arrangements  3 P 1 ×7! =15120