Measures of Dispersion (Part 2)

Measures of Dispersion (Part 2)
7.2b Interquartile Range 2

(C) Interquartile Range of Grouped Data (with Class Interval)

The interquartile range of grouped data can be determined by Method 1 (using a cumulative frequency table) or Method 2 (using an ogive).

The table below shows the marks obtained by a group of Form 4 students in school mathematics test.

Estimate the interquartile range.

Method 1: From Cumulative Frequency Table
Step 1:
Lower quartile, Q1 = the   1 4 ( 60 ) th observation
   = the 15thobservation

Upper quartile, Q3 = the   3 4 ( 60 ) th observation
   = the 45thobservation

Step 2:
Lower quartile,  Q 1 = L 1 + ( 1 4 N F 1 f Q 1 ) C   = 39.5 + ( 15 12 20 ) 10   = 39.5 + 1.5   = 41

Step 3:
Upper quartile,  Q 3 = L 3 + ( 3 4 N F 3 f Q 3 ) C     = 49.5 + ( 45 32 16 ) 10     = 49.5 + 8.125     = 57.625

Step 4:
Interquartile Range
= upper quartile – lower quartile
= Q3Q1
= 57.625 – 41
= 16.625