9.4.3 Shortest Distance between Two Points

9.4.3 Shortest Distance between Two Points
1. The shortest distance between two points on the surface of the earth is the distance measured along a great circle.

  Shortest distance between points D and M
   = ( θ × 60 ) nautical miles


In the above diagram, calculate
(a) The distance from P to Q, measured along the parallel of latitude 48o S,
(b) The distance from P to Q, measured along the route PSQ, where S is the South Pole.
 State the shorter distance.


Distance from Pto Q, measured along the parallel of latitude 48o S
= 180 × 60 × cos 48o← (angle PMQ = 180o)
= 7266.61 n.m.
Distance from Pto Q, measured along the route PSQ, where S is the South Pole
= 84 × 60 ← (angle POQ = 180o – 48o – 48o = 84o)
= 5040 n.m.
The distance from P to Q, measured along the route PSQ in (b), where S is the South Pole, is shorter than the distance measured along the parallel of latitude in (a). 
  The shortest distance in the above example is    
  the distance along the arc of a great circle,   
  which passes through the South (or North) Pole.

9.6 SPM Practice (Long Questions)

Question 1:
Diagram below shows four points P, Q, R and M, on the surface of the earth. lies on longitude of 70oW. QR is the diameter of the parallel of latitude of 40o N. M lies 5700 nautical miles due south of P.
(a) Find the position of R.

Calculate the shortest distance, in nautical miles, from Q to R, measured along the surface of the earth.

Find the latitude of M.

An aeroplane took off from R and flew due west to P along the parallel of latitude with an average speed of 660 knots.

Calculate the time, in hours, taken for the flight.
Latitude of = latitude of Q = 40o N
Longitude of = (70o – 25o) W = 45o W
Longitude of = (180o – 45o) E = 135o E
Therefore, position of R = (40o N, 135oE).
Shortest distance from Q to R
= (180 – 40 – 40) x 60
= 100 × 60
= 6000 nautical miles
P O M = 5700 60 = 95 o Latitude of M = ( 95 o 40 o ) S = 55 o S

Time taken = distance from R to P average speed = ( 180 25 ) × 60 × cos 40 o 660 = 155 × 60 × cos 40 o 660 = 10.79 hours

9.6 SPM Practice (Long Questions)

Question 2:
P(25o S, 40o E), Qo N, 40o E), R(25o S, 10o W) and are four points on the surface of the earth. PK is the diameter of the earth.

State the location of point K.

Q is 2220 nautical miles from P, measured along the same meridian.
Calculate the value of θ.

Calculate the distance, in nautical mile, from P due west to R, measured along the common parallel of latitude.

An aeroplane took off from Q and flew due south to P. Then, it flew due west to R. The average speed of the aeroplane was 600 knots.
Calculate the total time, in hours, taken for the whole flight.


As PK is the diameter of the earth, therefore latitude of K = 25o N
Longitude of K= (180o – 40o) W = 140o W
Therefore, location of K = (25o N, 140oW).
Let the centre of the earth be O.
P O Q = 2220 60 = 37 o θ o = 37 o 25 o = 12 o The value of θ is 12 .

Distance from to R
= (40 + 10) × 60 × cos 25o
= 50 × 60 × cos 25o
= 2718.92 n.m.

Total distance travelled
= distance from to P + distance from P to R
= 2220 + 2718.92
= 4938.92 nautical miles
Time taken = total distance from Q to R average speed = 4938.92 600 = 8.23 hours

9.5 SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 1
In diagram below, N is the North Pole and is the South Pole. The location of point is (40o S, 70o W) and POQ is the diameter of the earth.
Find the longitude of Q.
Since PQ is a diameter of the earth and the longitude of P is θo W, the longitude of Q is (180o – θo) E.
Longitude of = 70o W
Longitude of = (180o – 70o) E
= 110oE
Question 2
In diagram below, N is the North Pole and is the South Pole and NOS is the axis of the earth.
Find the position of point Q.
Latitude of = (90o – 42o) N
= 48o N
Longitude of = (65o – 30o) E
= 35o E
Therefore, position of Q = (48o N, 35oE).

9.4 Distance on the Surface of the Earth

9.4 Distance on the Surface of the Earth

9.4.1 Distance between Two Points Along a Great Circle
1. A nautical mile is the length of an arc of a great circle that subtends an angle of one minute at the centre of the Earth.

The distance between two points on the surface of the earth is the arc of a circle that joins the two points.

To find the distance between two points along a meridian or the equator:

  Distance of P and Q
  = ( θ x 60 ) nautical miles


9.4.2 Distance between Two Points along a Parallel of Latitude

9.4.2 Distance between Two Points along a Parallel of Latitude
1. To find the distance along a parallel of latitude:

  Distance between points P and Q
  = ( different in longitude in minutes ) × cos latitude
  = ( θ × 60 × cos xo ) nautical miles


In the diagram above, calculate
(a) The distance of PQ, measured along the parallel of latitude 34o N,
(b) The distance of DM, measured along the parallel of latitude 54o S.
Difference in longitude between P and Q
= 40o + 58o = 98o
Hence, the distance of PQ, measured along the parallel of latitude 34o N
= 98 × 60 × cos 34o← [θ × 60 × cos (latitude)]
= 4874.74 n.m.
Difference in longitude between D and M
= 82o – 40o = 42o
Hence, the distance of DM, measured along the parallel of latitude 54o S
= 42 × 60 × cos 54o← [θ × 60 × cos (latitude)]
= 1481.22 n.m. 

9.1 Longitudes

9.1 Longitudes
1. A great circle is a circle with the centre of the Earth as its centre.
2. A meridian is half of a great circle from the North pole to the South pole.
3. The longitude of the Greenwich Meridian is 0o.
4. The longitude of a meridian is determined by:
   (a) The angle between the meridian plane and the Greenwich Meridian.
   (b) The position of the meridian to the east or west of the Greenwich Meridian.  


Longitude of is 55o W.
Longitude of is 30o E.
5. All points on the same meridian have the same longitude.

Difference between Two Longitudes
1. If both the meridians are on the east (or west) of the Greenwich Meridian, subtract the angles of the longitudes.
2. If both the meridians are on the opposite sides of the Greenwich Meridian, add the angles of the longitudes.

9.2 Latitudes

9.2 Latitudes
1. The great circle which is perpendicular to the earth’s axis is called equator.

2. A latitude is the angle at the centre of the Earth which is subtended by the arc of a meridian starting from the Equator to the parallel of latitude.
3. A circle which is perpendicular to the Earth’s axis and parallel to the equator is called a parallel of latitude.
4. The latitude of the Equator is 0o.
5. All points on a parallel of latitude have the same latitude. 


Latitude of is 30o N.
Latitude of is 45o S.

Difference between Two Latitudes
1. If both parallels of latitude are on the north (or south) of the equator, subtract the angles of latitudes.
2. If both parallels of latitude are on the opposite sides of the equator, add the angles of the latitudes.

7.2 Probability of the Complement of an Event

7.2 Probability of the Complement of an Event

1. The complement of an event A is the set of all the outcomes in the sample space that are not included in the outcomes of event A.

2. The probability of the complement of event A is:
P ( A ' ) = 1 P ( A )

A number is chosen at random from a set of whole number from 1 to 40. Calculate the probability that the chosen number is not a perfect square.

A = Event of choosing a perfect square.
A’ = Event that the number is not a perfect square.
A = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36}
n(A) = 6
P ( A ) = n ( A ) n ( S ) = 6 40 = 3 20 P ( A ' ) = 1 P ( A ) = 1 3 20 = 17 20 Hence, the probability that the number chosen is not a perfect square is 17 20 .