1.1   Number Bases (Part 2)

(D) Converting Numbers in Base Two, Eight and Five to Base Ten and Vice Versa
1. Steps to convert numbers in base 2, 8 and 5 to base 10 are as follows.
(a) write the number in expanded notation.
(b) simplify the expanded notation into a single number.
Example 1:
Convert each of the following numbers to a number in base 10.
(a) 101012  (b) 14238  (c) 3245
(a) 101012 = 1 × 24 + 0 × 23+ 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20 = 2110

14238 = 1 × 83 + 4 × 82+ 2 × 81 + 3 × 80 = 78710

3245 = 3 × 52 + 2 × 51+ 4 × 50 = 8910

Calculator Computation 
1. Set the calculator to the ‘BASE’ mode by pressing:
[MODE]   [MODE]   [3 (BASE)]
2. Set the calculator to the desired number system by pressing:
[BIN] → for base 2
[DEC] → for base 10
[OCT] → for base 8
Key in the following:
[BIN] 10101 [=]  [ DEC ]
The screen display is: [21]
Therefore 101012 = 2110
[OCT] 1423 [=]  [ DEC ]
The screen display is: [787]
Therefore 14238 = 78710

2. Steps to convert a number in base 10 to a number in base 2, 8 and 5 are as follows.
(a) perform repeated division until the quotient is zero.
(b) write the number in new base by referring to the remainders from bottom to the top.
Example 2:
Convert 6110 to a number in
(a) Base two (b) base eight   (c) base five





Calculator Computation
1. Set the calculator to the ‘BASE’ mode by pressing:
[MODE]   [MODE]   [3 (BASE)]
2. Set the calculator to the desired number system by pressing:
[BIN] → for base 2
[DEC] → for base 10
[OCT] → for base 8
Key in the following:
[DEC] 61 [=]  [ BIN ]
The screen display is: [1111012]
Therefore 6110 = 1111012
[DEC] 61 [=]  [ OCT ]
The screen display is: [75]
Therefore 6110 = 758

1.1   Number Bases (Part 4)

(F) Addition and Subtraction of Two Numbers in Base Two
1. In the addition of two numbers in base two, the following rules applied:
  0+ 0= 02
  0+ 1= 12
  1+ 0= 12
  1+ 1= 102
  1+ 1+ 1= 10+ 1= 112
2. In the subtraction of two numbers in base two, the following rules applied:
  0– 0= 02
  1– 0= 12
  1– 1= 02
  10– 1= 12

Example 2:
Find the value of each of the following:
(a) 11012 + 1102
(b) 110012 + 101002
(c) 110112 – 11012
(d) 10002 – 1012




Calculator Computation
You may obtain the answer directly from a scientific calculator by pressing:
[MODE]   [MODE]   [3 (BASE)]
Key in the following:
[ BIN ] 1101 [ + ] 110 [ = ] 
The screen display is: [ 10011 ]
[ BIN ] 11001 [ + ] 11100 [ = ] 
The screen display is: [ 110101 ]
[ BIN ] 11011  ] 1101 [ = ] 
The screen display is: [ 1110 ]
[ BIN ] 1000  ] 101 [ = ] 
The screen display is: [ 11 ]

1.1   Number Bases (Part 3)

(E) Converting from One Base to Another
1. The following steps are used to convert a number from one base to another base.

convert the number to a number in base 10 by using expended notation.

use repeated division to convert the number in base 10 to the respective bases.

Example 1:
(a) 1101012 to a number in base 5
(b) 435 to a number in base 2
(c) 3138 to a number in base 5
(d) 4225 to a number in base 8
(e) 1001112 to a number in base 8
(f) 1578 to a number in base 2

(a) 1101012
= 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 0 × 23+ 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20
= 5310 ← (Convert from base 2 to base 10)

 (b) 435
= 4 × 51 + 3 × 50
= 2310← (Convert from base 5 to base 10)

(c) 3138
= 3 × 82 + 1 × 81 + 3 × 80
= 20310← (Convert from base 8 to base 10)

= 4 × 52 + 2 × 51 + 2 × 50
= 11210← (Convert from base 5 to base 10)

= 1 × 25 + 0 × 24 + 0 × 23+ 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20
= 3910 ← (Convert from base 2 to base 10)

(f) 1578
= 1 × 82 + 5 × 81 + 7 × 80
= 11110← (Convert from base 8 to base 10)

Calculator Computation
1. Set the calculator to the ‘BASE’ mode by pressing:
[MODE]   [MODE]   [3 (BASE)]
2. Set the calculator to the desired number system by pressing:
[BIN] → for base 2
[DEC] → for base 10
[OCT] → for base 8
Key in the following [For (e) and (f) only]:
[ BIN ] 100111 [ = ]  [ OCT ]
The screen display is: [478]
Therefore 1001112 = 478
[ OCT ] 157 [ = ]  [ BIN ]
The screen display is: [1101111]
Therefore 1578 = 11011112

10.2 Solving Problems Involving Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression

The angle of depression of a cycling kid measured from a hill with 10.9 m high is 52o. When the kid cycles along the hillside and stops, the angle of depression becomes 25.3o. What is the distance cycled by the kid along the hillside?

Step 1: Draw a diagram to represent the situation.
Step 2: Devise a plan.
Find the lengths of QS and QR. Then, QS – QR = distance cycled by the kid.

tan 52 o = 10.9 Q R Q R = 10.9 tan 52 o Q R = 8.5 m

tan 25.3 o = 10.9 Q S Q S = 10.9 tan 25.3 o Q S = 23.1 m

QS – QR = (23.1 – 8.5) m = 14.6 m

Therefore the kid has cycled 14.6 metres.

SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 1:
Diagram below shows two vertical poles on a horizontal plane. J, K, L, M and N are five points on the poles such that KL = MN.
Name the angle of elevation of point J from point M.

Angle of elevation of point J from point M = ∠KMJ

Question 2:
Diagram below shows two vertical poles JM and KL, on a horizontal plane.

The angle of depression of vertex K from vertex J is 42o.
Calculate the angle of elevation of vertex K from M.


JN = 10 tan 42o = 9.004 m
NM = 25 – 9.004 = 15.996 m
KL = NM = 15.996 m
tan K M L = K L M L = 15.996 10 = 1.5996 K M L = tan 1 1.5996 = 57 o 59 '

Question 3:
Diagram below shows a vertical pole KMN on a horizontal plane. The angle of elevation of from L is 20o.

Calculate the height, in m, of the pole.


tan 20 o = K M K L 0.3640 = K M 15 K M = 5.4 m Height of the pole = 9 + 5.4 = 14.4 m

10.1 Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression (Part 1)

10.1 Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression (Part 1)

1. Angle of elevation is the acute angle measured from a horizontal line up to the line of sight.

Example 1:
Angle of elevation of object O from P = ∠OPA

2. Angle of depression is the acute angle measured down from a horizontal line to the line of sight.

Example 2:
Angle of depression of object O from P = ∠OPA

SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 4:
Diagram below shows three vertical poles JP, KN and LM, on a horizontal plane.

The angle of elevation of N from P is 15o.
The angle of depression of M from N is 35o.
Calculate the distance, in m, from K to L.

tan A P N = A N P A tan 15 o = A N 4 A N = 4 × 0.268 A N = 1.072 m Length of B N = 2 + 1.072 = 3.072 c m tan B M N = B N B M tan 35 o = 3.072 B M B M = 3.072 0.700 = 4.389 Distance of K L = 4.389 m

Question 5:
Diagram below shows two vertical poles JM and LN, on a horizontal plane.

The angle of elevation of M from K is 70oand the angle of depression of K from N is 40o.
Find the difference in distance, in m, between JK and KL.

tan J K M = 14 J K J K = 14 tan 70 o J K = 5.096 m tan L K N = 8 K L K L = 8 tan 40 o K L = 9.534 m Difference in distance of J K and K L = 9.534 5.096 = 4.438 m

9.3 SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 1:

In the diagram above, find the value of tan θ.


In A B C , using Pythagoras' Theorem, A C = 1 2 + 1 2 = 2 c m tan θ = C D A C tan θ = 1 2

Question 2:

In the diagram above, ABCE is a rectangle and point D lies on the straight line EC. Given that DC = 5 cm and AE = 4cm, find the value of cosθ.

AD=DC=5cm In  AED, using Pythagoras' Theorem, ED= 5 2 4 2 =3cm cosθ=cosADE Since  90 <θ< 180 (in quadrant II), cosθ is negative cosθ= ED AD cosθ= 3 5

Question 3:

In the diagram above, PMR is a straight line, M is the midpoint of line PR. Given that QR = 12cm and sin y°= 0.6, find the value of tan x°.

In triangle QMR sin y =0.6 sin y = QR QM = 6 10 Given QR=12cm, QM=10×2=20cm In  QMR, using Pythagoras' Theorem, MR= 20 2 12 2 =16cm PR=16×2=32cm Hence tan x = QR PR = 12 32 = 3 8