The Line Of Best Fit

2.2 The Line of Best Fit

Line of best fit 
has 2 characteristics:
(i) it passes through as many points as possible,
(ii) the number of points which are not on the line of best fit are equally distributed on the both sides of the line.

Check whether the following graph has the characteristic of the line of best fit


Yes! This is the Line of Best Fit
Notice that you have 3 points passes through the straight line,1 points above the line and 1 point below the line. The number of points which are not on the line of best fit are equally distributed on the both sides of the line.


No. This is NOT the Line of Best Fit
Notice you have more points above the line than below the line. The number of points which are not on the line of best fit are NOT equally distributed on the both sides of the