4.6 SPM Practice (Long Questions)

Question 5:
(a) State if each of the following statements is true or false.
 (i)    23= 8 or ⅓ = 1.33.
 (ii)  – 6 > – 8 and 6 > 8.
(b) Write down two implications based on the following statement:

x a + y b =1 if and only if bx+ay=ab.

(c) It is given that the interior angle of a regular polygon of n sides 
  is   ( 1 2 n ) × 180 .
  Make one conclusion by deduction on the size of the interior angle of a regular hexagon.


(a)(i) True

(a)(ii) False


Implication 1:   If   x a + y b =1, then bx+ay=ab. _ Implication 2:   If  bx+ay=ab, then  x a + y b =1. _

Size of an interior angle of a regular hexagon = ( 1 2 6 ) × 180 = 2 3 × 180 = 120

Question 6:
(a) Complete the following mathematical sentence by writing the symbol > or <.
  (i) 53____ 20 is a false statement.
  (ii) – 3 ____ – 10 is a true statement.

(b) Complete the conclusion in the following argument:
 Premise 1 : If  n 1 2 = n , then  4 1 2 = 4 =2.   Premise 2 :  n 1 2 = n  Conclusion : _____________________
(c) Make a general conclusion by induction for the sequence of numbers 10, 35, 70, … which follows the following pattern.

10 = 5 (2)2 – 10 
35 = 5 (3)2 – 10
70 = 5 (4)2 – 10
…. = ………..

(a)(i) 53   <    20 is a false statement.

(a)(ii)   – 3    >    – 10 is a true statement.


Conclusion : 4 1 2 = 4 = 2

(c) 5 (n + 1)2 – 10, where n = 1, 2, 3, …