4.2 Quantifiers ‘All’ and ‘Some’ (Sample Questions)

Example 1:
Complete each of the following statements using the quantifiers ‘all’ or ‘some’ to make the statement true.
(a) _____ rectangles are squares.
(b) _____ prime numbers are odd numbers.
(c) _____ triangles have equal sides.
(d) _____ even numbers are divisible by 2.

(a) Some rectangles are squares.
(b) Some prime numbers are odd numbers.
(c) Some triangles have equal sides.
(d) All even numbers are divisible by 2.

Example 2:
Construct a true statement using the quantifier ‘all’ or ‘some’ for the given object and property.
(a) Object: multiples of 4
 Property: can be divided exactly by 5
(b) Object: regular hexagon
 Property: 6 equal sides
(c) Object: acute angles
 Property: less than 90o

(a) Some multiples of 4 can be divided exactly by 5.
(b) All regular hexagons have 6 equal sides.
(c) All acute angles are less than 90o.

4.5 Arguments (Short Notes)

4.5 Arguments

(A) Premises and Conclusions
1. An argument is a process of making conclusion based on several given statements.
2. The statements given are known as premises.
3. An argument consists of premises and a conclusion.

Example 1:

Identify the premises and conclusion of the following argument.
(a) A pentagon has 5 sides. ABCDE is a pentagon. Therefore, ABCDE has 5 sides.

Premise 1: A pentagon has 5 sides.
Premise 2: ABCDE is a pentagon.
Conclusion: ABCDE has 5 sides.

(B) Forms of Arguments
1. Based on two given premises, a conclusion can be made for three different forms of arguments.

Argument Form I
Premise 1: All A are B.
Premise 2: C is A.
Conclusion: C is B.
Example 2:
Make a conclusion based on the two premises given below.
Premise 1: All multiples of 5 are divisible by 5.
Premise 2: 45 is a multiple of 5.
Conclusion: ______________

Conclusion: 45 is divisible by 5.

Argument Form II
Premise 1: If p, then q.
Premise 2: p is true.
Conclusion: q is true.
Example 3:
Make a conclusion based on the two premises given below.
Premise 1: If a number is a factor of 18, then the number is a factor of 54.
Premise 2: 3 is a factor of 18.
Conclusion: ______________

Conclusion: 3 is a factor of 54.

Argument Form III
Premise 1: If p, then q.
Premise 2: Not q is true.
Conclusion: Not p is true.

Example 4:
Make a conclusion based on the two premises given below.
Premise 1: If P is a subset of Q, then P  Q = P.
Premise 2P  Q  P
Conclusion: ______________

Conclusion: P is not the subset of Q.

4.1 Statements

(A) Determine Whether a Given Sentence is a Statement
1. A statement is a sentence which is either true or false but not both.

2. Sentences which are questions, instructions and exclamations are not statements.

Example 1:
Determine whether the following sentences are statements or not. Give a reason for your answer.
(a) 3 + 3 = 8
(b) A pentagon has 5 sides.
(c) Is 40 divisible by 3?
(d) Find the perimeter of a square with each side of 4 cm.
(e) Help!

(a) Statement; it is a false statement.
(b) Statement; it is a true statement.
(c) Not a statement; it is a question.
(d) Not a statement; it is an instruction.
(e) Not a statement; it is an exclamation.

(B) Determine Whether a Statement is True or False.

Example 2:
Determine whether each of the following statements is true or false.
(a) 7 is a prime number
(b) -10 > -7
(c) 3 is a factor of 8.

(a) True
(b) False
(c) False

(C) Constructing Statements Using Numbers and Symbols
1. True and false statements can be constructed with numbers and mathematical symbols.
Example 3:
Construct (i) a true statement, (ii) a false statement,
using the following numbers and mathematical symbols.
(a) 2, 4, 8, ×, =
(b) {a, b, c}, {d} , U =

(a)(i) A true statement: 2 × 4 = 8
(a)(ii) A false statement: 2 × 8 = 4
(b)(i) A true statement: {d} U {a, b, c} = {a, b, c, d}
(b)(ii) A false statement: {d} U {a, b, c} = {d}

4.2 Quantifiers ‘All’ and ‘Some’

4.2 Quantifiers ‘All’ and ‘Some’
Statement using ‘All’ and ‘Some’
1. Quantifiers are words that denote the number of objects or cases referred to in a given statement.
2. Quantifier ‘all’, ‘any’ and ‘every’ describe each and every object or case.
3. Quantifier ‘some’, ‘several’ and ‘part of’ describe one or more objects or cases.
Complete each of the following statements using the quantifiers ‘all’ or ‘some’ to make the statement true.
(a) _______  polygons have the same number of vertices and sides.
(b) _______  multiples of 9 are even numbers.
(c) _______  of the whole numbers are divisible by 7.
(d) _______  factors of 4 are factors of 20.
(a) All polygons have the same number of vertices and sides.
(b) Some multiples of 9 are even numbers.
(c) Some of the whole numbers are divisible by 7.
(d) All factors of 4 are factors of 20.

4.3 Operations on Statements

4.3 Operations on Statements (Part 1)
(A) Nagating a Statement using ‘No’ or ‘Not’
1. Negation of a statement refers to changing the truth value of the statement, that is, changing a true statement to a false statement and vice versa, using the word ‘not’ or ‘no’.
Example 1:
Change the true value of the following statements by using ‘no’ or ‘not’.
(a) 17 is a prime number.
(b) 39 is a multiple of 9.
(a) 17 is not a prime number. (True to false)
(b) 39 not is a multiple of 9. (False to true)

2. A compound statement can be formed by combining two given statements using the word ‘and’.
Example 2:
Identify two statements from each of the following compound statements.
(a) All pentagons have 5 sides and 5 vertices.
(b) 33 = 27 and 43 = 64
(a) All pentagons have 5 sides.
 All pentagons have 5 vertices.
(b) 33 = 27
  43 = 64

Example 3:
Form a compound statement from each of the following pairs of statements using the word ‘and’.
(a) 19 is a prime number.
  19 is an odd number.
(b) 15 – 5 = 10
  15 × 5 = 75

(a) 19 is a prime number and an odd number. ← (Repeated words can be eliminated when combining two statements using ‘and’.)

(b) 15 – 5 = 10 and15 × 5 = 75.

3. A compound statement can also be formed by combining two given statements using the word ‘or’.
Example 4:
Form a compound statement from each of the following pairs of statements using the word ‘or’.
(a) 11 is an odd number.
  11 is a prime number.
(b) 3 = 27 3 3 = 4 + 1

(a) 11 is an odd number or a prime number.
( b) 3 = 27 3 or 3 = 4 + 1

3.4 SPM Practice (Long Questions)

Question 3:
(a) The Venn diagrams in the answer space shows sets P and Q such that the universal set, ξ = P υ Q.
  Shade the set PQ.
(b) The Venn diagrams in the answer space shows sets X and Y and Z, such that the universal set, ξ = X υ Y υ Z.
  Shade the set (υ Z) ∩ Y.



PQ means the intersection of the region P and the region Q.


• (X υ Z) means the union of the region X and the region Z.
• The region then intersects with region Y to give the result (X υ Z) ∩ Y.

Question 4:
The Venn diagrams in the answer space shows sets P, Q and R such that the universal set, ξ = P υ Q υ R
On the diagrams in the answer space, shade
(a) PR’,
(b) P’υ (QR).

P ∩ R
P’υ (Q ∩ R)

3.1 Set

3.1 Set
1. A set is a collection of objects according to certain characteristics
2. The objects in a set are known as elements.
3. Sets are usually denoted by capital letters and notation used for sets is braces, {   }.

= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
4. In set notation, the symbol means ‘is an element of’ or ‘belongs to’ and means ‘is not an element of’ or ‘does not belong to’.
Example 1:
Given that P= {factors of 15} and Q = {positive perfect squares less than 28}. By using the symbol or , complete each of the following:
(a) 5 ___  P   (b) 20 ___ P   (c) 25 ___ Q   (d) 8  ___ Q
= {1, 3, 5, 15}, Q = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25}

(a) 5 P 5 is an element of set P (b) 20 P 20 is not an element of set P (c) 2 5 Q 2 5 is an element of set Q (d) 8 Q 8 is not an element of set Q

(A) Represent sets by using Venn diagram
5. A set can be represented by a Venn diagram using closed geometry shapes such as circles, rectangles, triangles and etc.

A dot to the left of an object in a Venn diagram indicates that the object is an element of the set.

When a Venn diagram represents the number of elements in a set, no dot is placed to the left of the number.
Example 2:
(a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent each of the following sets.
(b) State the number of elements for each of the set.
A= {2, 3, 5, 7}
B= {k, m, r, t, y}
n(A) = 4
n(B) = 5

(B) Determine whether a set is an empty set
8. A set with no elements is called an empty set or null set. The symbol φ or empty braces, {  }, denotes empty set.
For example, if set A is an empty set, then = {  } or Aφ and
n (A) = 0.
9. If B = {0} or {φ} does not denote that B is an empty set. B = {0} means that there is an element ‘0’ in set B.
= {φ} means that there is an element ‘φ’ in set B.

3.2 Subset, Universal Set and the Complement of a Set

3.2c Complement of a Set
1. The complement of set B is the set of all elements in the universal set, ξ, which are not elements of set B, and is denoted by B’.

Example 1:
If ξ = {17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23} and
B = {17, 20, 21} then
B’ = {18, 19, 22, 23}

. The Venn diagram below shows the relationship between B, B’ and the universal set, ξ.

The complement of set B is represented by the green colour shaded region inside the universal set, ξ, but outside set B.

3.3 Operations on Sets (Part 1)

3.3a Intersection of Sets
1. The intersection of set P and set Q, denoted by P Q  is the set consisting of all elements common to set P and set Q.

The intersection of set P, set Q and set R, denoted by P Q R  is 
the set consisting of all elements common to set P, set Q and set R.

Represent the intersection of sets using Venn diagrams.

(a) P ∩ Q

(b) Q P , then P Q = Q

(c) P Q = , There is no intersection between set P and set Q .

(d) P ∩ Q ∩ R

3.2 Subset, Universal Set and the Complement of a Set

3.2a Subsets
1. If every element of a set A is also an element of a set B, then set A is called subset of set B.

2. The symbol ⊂ is used to denote ‘is a subset of’.
Therefore, set A is a subset of set B. In set notation, it is written as A ⊂ B.

A = {11, 12, 13} and B = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14}
Every element of set A is an element of set B.
Therefore  A B .

A B .  can be illustrated using Venn diagram as below:

4. The symbol   is used to denote ‘is not a subset of’.

5. An empty set is a subset of any set.
For example, A

6. A set is a subset of itself.
For example,   B B  

7. The number of subsets for a set with n elements is 2n.
For example, if A = {3, 7}
So n = 2, then number of subsets of set A = 22 = 4
All the subsets of set A are { }, {3}, {7} and {3, 7}.