(Long Questions) – Question 7

Question 7:
Diagram below shows a quadrilateral ABCD where the sides AB and CD are parallel. ∠BAC is an obtuse angle.

Given that AB = 14 cm, BC = 27 cm, ∠ACB = 30o and AB : DC = 7 : 3.
(a) ∠BAC.
(b) the length, in cm, of diagonal BD.
(c) the area, in cm2, of quadrilateral ABCD.

sinBAC 27 = sin 30 o 14 sinBAC= sin 30 o 14 ×27 sinBAC=0.9643  BAC= 74.64 o BAC ( obtuse )= 180 o 74.64 o  = 105.36 o

AB parallel with DC BAC=ACD BCD= 105.36 o + 30 o    = 135.36 o DC AB = 3 7 DC= 3 7 ×14 cm   =6 cm B D 2 = 27 2 + 6 2 2( 27 )( 6 )cosBCD B D 2 =765324cos 135.36 o B D 2 =995.54 BD=31.55 cm

ABC= 180 o 30 o 105.36 o    = 44.64 o A C 2 = 27 2 + 14 2 2( 27 )( 14 )cosABC A C 2 =925756cos 44.64 o A C 2 =387.08 AC=19.67 cm Area ABC = 1 2 ( 14 )( 27 )sin 44.64 o =132.80  cm 2 Area ACD = 1 2 ( 19.67 )( 6 )sin 105.36 o =56.90  cm 2 Area of quadrilateral ABCD =132.80+56.90 =189.7  cm 2