9.5 SPM Practice (Short Questions)

Question 1
In diagram below, N is the North Pole and is the South Pole. The location of point is (40o S, 70o W) and POQ is the diameter of the earth.
Find the longitude of Q.
Since PQ is a diameter of the earth and the longitude of P is θo W, the longitude of Q is (180o – θo) E.
Longitude of = 70o W
Longitude of = (180o – 70o) E
= 110oE
Question 2
In diagram below, N is the North Pole and is the South Pole and NOS is the axis of the earth.
Find the position of point Q.
Latitude of = (90o – 42o) N
= 48o N
Longitude of = (65o – 30o) E
= 35o E
Therefore, position of Q = (48o N, 35oE).