Quadratic Equations Long Questions (Question 11 – 13)

Question 11:
Solve the following quadratic equation:
5x+3 x 2 12x =6

5x+3 x 2 12x =6 5x+3 x 2 =612x 3 x 2 +5x+12x6=0 3 x 2 +17x6=0 ( 3x1 )( x+6 )=0 3x1=0     or     x+6=0      3x=1                   x=6        x= 1 3                   x=6

Question 12:
Diagram above shows a rectangle ABCD.
(a) Express the area of ABCD in terms of n.
(b) Given the area of ABCD is 60 cm2, find the length of AB.
Area of ABCD
= (n + 7) × n
= (n2+ 7n) cm2

Given the area of ABCD = 60
n2+ 7n = 60
n2+ 7n – 60 = 0
(n – 5) (n + 12) = 0
= 5 or    n = – 12 (not accepted)
When n = 5,
Length of AB = 5 + 7 = 12 cm

Question 13 (4 marks):
Solve the following quadratic equation:
2 3x5 = x 3x1

2 3x5 = x 3x1 2( 3x1 )=x( 3x5 ) 6x+2=3 x 2 5x 3 x 2 5x+6x2=0 3 x 2 +x2=0 ( 3x2 )( x+1 )=0 3x2=0     or     x+1=0 x= 2 3      or     x=1