6.7 SPM Practice (Long Questions)

Question 2:
Diagram below shows the marks, obtained by a group of 24 students in a mathematics quiz.

(a) Based on the data in diagram above, complete Table in the answer space.

(b) State the modal class.

(c) Calculate the estimated marks obtained by a student.

(d) For this part of the question, use graph paper.
By using a scale of 2 cm to 5 marks on the horizontal axis and 2 cm to 1 student on the vertical axis, draw a histogram for the data.

(e) Based on the histogram drawn in (d), state the number of students who obtain less than 32 marks in the quiz.



(b) Modal class = 27 – 31 (highest frequency)

(c)  Estimated mean  4×24+7×29+6×34+4×39+2×44+1×49 24 796 24 =33.17 marks


Number of students who obtained less than 32 marks
= 4 + 7
= 11